shipped work

Showpad Video

Enabling sellers to still be personable while selling, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Lead Product Designer
project duration
3 Months
team capacity
1 PM, 1 PD, 2 Devs, 1 QA
Sketch, Zeplin, Jira, GSuite
One of the company's "Gold Medal" initiatives for the 2021, project Showpad Video aims to create a brand new product to address the needed virtual selling experience in Covid-19's reality. 
1. Grow customer collaboration and relationships
2. Identify issues via the Beta Program
3. Fix and improve
Understanding the Space
Product and marketing teams have already identified a new product opportunity in the digital selling space. Very briefly prior to the start of this project, a small team has quickly made a proof of concept MVP to showcase the product idea and released to select customers for feedback. This project kick started with an initial problem space discovery and user feedback from Beta program.
The Beta MVP
User Interviews
In-depth 1:1 user interviews were held to understand use cases, current user flows, and their friction points, all regarding the DS website.
10 participants total. 6 Developers and 4 Product Designers. ~50% between new and experienced users.
Feedback Results
Feedback from both non users and MVP users were collected and compiled via frequency.
Shortcomings of the MVP
The MVP did not fully address the use case and environmental factors in which the product would be used.

There was a lack of customization/editing post recording.

There was UX oversights (i.e. the recording modal did not disappear upon recording.)

Barrier to entry for new users.
1. Account for unexpected disturbances mid recording.

2. Video messaging is new to the sales profession, how to do we guide the user and reduce awkwardness?

3. Can there be cosmetic features to help the user and their background appear more professional?

4. A call for customization features to edit and personalize a video before sending it to their audience.
Explored all stages of the recording process

1. Set Up
2. Recording
3. Post Prodution
Final Design
Unfortunately there are no recordings of the live production I solely designed. So here are some stills.
To get an idea of the flow, this is a video of the current version. I handed off the video project to another designer at this point. UI and small updates have been made but the general flow remains the same.
Business Impact
"As of Feb 10th 2020,
there was 44 closed deals and an added ARR OF 186,000 EUR"
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