in progress


Assorted innovation and design consultancy work for various clients.
Product Design Intern
project duration
3 months
team capacity
Adobe XD, Adobe Photshop, Sketchbook Pro, G Suite
During my time at Continuum as an intern, I assisted multiple teams and other designers with client work. With my Industrial Design background and eagerness to learn about UX/UI, I was able contribute to both fields of work, sometimes even a project that required both physical and digital design.
The projects I worked on mainly focused on the front end of the design and innovation cycle. Really focusing on understanding the users, their needs and emotions and telling a story about how the concepts address their end to end experience.
Future of the Lab
Product Design Intern
project duration
10 months
team capacity
Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premier Pro
Worked with strategy and design to envision future laboratory equipment and interfaces for the client. This project's discovery and validation work acted as a north star for our client's future offerings and product direction. Deliverables included: product sketches, storyboard illustrations, concept story video, and a future vision plan.
Worked directly with the Senior Designer on the visual story telling of concepts, how the user would interact with various tools, and how it all functions as an ecosystem.
Process included group brainstorming / whiteboarding, critique, feedback and implementation.
Several client working sessions were held throughout the project as validation checkpoints and co-creation sessions.
Individual product concepts that adressed certain job steps during a lab scientists workflow were illustrated to provide context.
The team decided to produce a live action video to more efficiently tell this future vision of the smart ecosystem of products. We the stage, directed, filmed, and edited the video. AR interfaces were portrayed by animating graphics using After Effects.
Unfortunately, due to confidentiality and intellectual property reasons I cannot share with you the amazing animated video product
Woman's Health Solution
Product Design Intern
project duration
10 months
team capacity
Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, Invision
Worked with Human Factors, Electrical Engineering, and Design to conceptualize an at home urinary incontinence treatment that consisted of a physical device and a smartphone app. I took charge of the UI app development and was a partner in the in-home user interviews conducted.
Started off with mapping out the physical product and digital system flow. Transferring them into low fidelity wireframe ideations.
Story boarding the entire customer experience starting off with as early as the online buying step, to help establish context.
Low fidelity wireframes were created for the soon to be app in order to illustrate the main features and pages.
Different UI explorations were done to be used in future interviews with users. The purpose is to guage which look and feel did they resonate with the most regarding the product and it's topic.
A more refined hi fidelity flow was mocked to better represent the entirety of the app concept.
All of the above creations were brought to in-home user testing with 4 different women. We chose their home because of the comfort level discussing a perosnal topic. The outcomes of these interviews were user persona posters and their feedback.
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